Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Again? Yes It's Cold And Flu Season, Again.

Do you know where to get a flu shot this year?  Is the local market out of the vaccine? Do you have questions on whether or not you or your family should even have a flu shot this year?  Do not fret, GLP Security Solutions has found the best resource possible to curb your reluctance about this years flu season, has all of the information you need concerning the pros and cons of getting a flu shot this season.  One important reason we suggest that you take a close look at is that there are some individuals with pre-existing health conditions that should really examine whether or not to have a flu shot this year.  Of course it is always smart to seek medical advice from your physician prior to taking any action concerning your health,  but is a great starting point.  Within the site there are such valuable resources like literature you can obtain to distribute in the work place.  There are helpful links to videos that can be forwarded to friends, family and co-workers. 

There is information directly applicable to senior citizens, caregivers, children and others.  There are industry specific prevention techniques to reducing the spread of influenza in the workplace.  For example, there is even a section on prevention within the transportation industry, passenger and cargo.  There are planning guides for school vaccinations and informative resources on the differences between the various influenza strains such as  H1N1 (Swine Flu) and H5N1 (Bird Flu).  If you really want to do some research, here is a great contact for you; Outside the United States contact: for extensive prevention techniques, available vaccine locations, and general information.  Once again and as always if you need assistance we will do our best to point you in the right direction., and on Twitter @glpsecurity00.

Thank You and Please Stay Healthy,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome To The GLP Information Resources Page

We are taking time to introduce our site visitors, blog readers, Twitter followers and Facebook
fans to an important facet of our operation, the Information Resources Center page on our website;  Today we present to you, the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence.  Their URL or website address is The NCDSV just completed another successful "Domestic Violence Awareness Month", although October is over the journey to eradicate domestic violence does not and will not stop.  The information contained in the NCDSV website is absolutely invaluable.  Whether you personally need assistance, or a co-worker and or loved one may need immediate assistance, do not hesitate to contact the NCDSV and act as soon as possible. GLP Security Solutions is proud to have the opportunity to spread the word about this extremely important resource that is available to you.

The director of the NCDSV is Debby Tucker.  The organization has trained over 4,777 law enforcement personnel.  They have resources for both women and men.  Assistance is available for military personnel and families as well. This is worth repeating, "assistance is available for military personnel and their families."

GLP Security does not present it's customers, or site visitors with statistics, and we do not use scare tactics to sell our products, instead we have furnished vital informational resources to assist those who may need help. The NCDSV has an email list that you or someone you know that is informative and will keep you updated with information on new programs.  There is information on how you can help make a difference in your community.  Also through their Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence - U.K., there is assistance abroad. 

GLP Security Solutions would like to thank the NCDSV for their hard and wonderful work.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact GLP at, and we will do our best to point you in the right direction.