Solutions that are your choice to consider and possibly implement. For example it is very important that each and every business have a safety plan in the event of an emergency. Schools practice emergency lock down drills all the time, perhaps it's time to take a lesson from the kids and develop a workplace emergency plan for ourselves. Again we are not going to mention one by one all of the violent events we see in the news that affects businesses and institutions every day. We know the problems. So here is a solution from GLP Security Solutions that we think could help you in the work place. We have compiled a brief and simple list of criteria to select a (Floor Marshall) and a deputy Floor Marshall at your job that will help guide and assist your fellow employees in the event of an emergency. We hope you take this information to work and discuss it, implement a PLAN, and give us your feedback. Remember it's our pleasure to help in any way possible.
Just click here for our 2 page PDF
Thank You and Stay Safe,
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.