Monday, September 28, 2015

F.E.A.R.= (F)ace (E)very (A)dversity without (R)etreat

It's time to go on the offensive. Time to strike the first blow if needed. No I'm not talking about violence, I'm talking about sending a message. A strong decisive message that resonates in the minds of anyone and anything that thinks they can harm us.  Well Patrick, what the heck are you talking about now? I'm talking about good ole fashioned FEAR. That voice we allow inside of us to tell us not to take chances and do everything the "safe way" so we don't get hurt.

The FEAR Voice:  Don't go for that promotion, if you don't get it, co-workers and colleagues will say, "I knew she wasn't going to get it".  He's going to ask her out? "She's way out of his league". The one I've heard a thousand times. "Why start a business now? It's just a waste of time and energy".

I've seen people successfully face fear and literally (Kicked Fears Ass). I know people who have undergone chemotherapy and destroyed cancer.  I've seen people who were called crazy for going back to school to become doctors after being told they were too old. People go into situations everyday that may impact their lives negatively or positively. I guess we will never know the outcome until we face and destroy fear.

I remember when my beautiful daughter was just a few months from being born, the doctors wanted to do that test where they draw the fluids from the mother to see what level (if any) of birth defects there may be in the baby.  My wife asked my opinion. I told her, "what difference would it make, we're all in". No fear, whatever comes we'll (Face Every Adversity without Retreat).

Much Love,

Patrick Massengale

GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360 (U.S.A.)

Monday, February 23, 2015

RESPOND: To Our Phone Calls, Letters And Emails!

GLP Security Solutions has had it up to here! Many times we read about problems that we know we could help prevent with our products and services, and we proceed to reach out to those clearly in need.  Many charitable and volunteer organizations can benefit from our 20 years of hands on experience.  With this in mind we have reached out to various groups world wide, and we hear nothing. Not even a reply of rejection. We'll take that, tell us no. Recently we read an article about sexual assaults near a college campus in India. We made several attempts to contact the school and offer free personal alarms. Nothing. A well known women's university in N.Y., we attempted to contact the head of security directly, she will not return our calls or emails. Even an organization that is as important as "Doctors Without Borders" will not return our letters, calls or emails. We are trying to give something away free, something that we believe will help protect volunteers, college students, abused women and the less fortunate, and we are having difficulty giving it away.

Our inventory is our company's life's blood, a vital organ to the survival of a business that we created to make a difference in the world today. This is not surplus inventory we are trying to unload, we need every device we have to stay in business. But we also have hearts, and we care about the human condition, so we give.

We have calls, emails, and inquiries into the United Nations to help prevent attacks on women. We're growing beards waiting for responses. Question for you.  Are these organizations so busy making an impact on improving conditions in the world for women that they cannot accept our gifts? Or are they ignoring the fact that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and other international terrorist organizations violating women actually exist?

One of the major problems for mission organizations around the globe is keeping their Medical / Food supplies safe from gangs and looters.  GLP Security devices such as the MA-795I and the GLP 671 can effectively protect both the interiors and exteriors of their storage supply facilities in the field. Or a simple product such as the GLP-SWPDAL personal alarm can help volunteers remain both safe and productive.

Presently we are reaching out to an organization who appears to be making a great impact in women's rights around the world, that group is To use a football reference, GLP has kicked the ball to their side of the field. Whether or not they elect to return the kick-off is up to them. Or will they head to their locker room and hang their heads like the others?

If we had known about U.S. missionary Kayla Mueller and her personal crusades,  we would have sent her and her organization a box load of personal alarms. And now it's too late.  Even though we are a business, we have a right to feel good about our philanthropy also. All we are asking for is a chance.

Patrick Massengale (CEO)
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona (U.S.A.)  E-Mail: