Monday, August 26, 2013

Who Needs Us? Personal Security Evaluations and Applications

People who are just trying to do the best they can for their families and themselves should not have to worry about safety or personal security. Unfortunately that is not the world we live in. If there was something we could obtain to take one less look over our shoulders, or one less "please be careful" from our daily lives, it would make a lot of sense to obtain it.

Individuals who commit crimes, or purposefully attempt to inflict harm or discomfort on others for any purpose does so for their own personal fulfillment. And that is wrong. Basically it should be one's mindset not to accept infringements upon their lives or lifestyle. In a nutshell you and everyone else on the planet should do all they can do to protect themselves from predators. It sure would be nice to live in a world where no one is trying to take from or take advantage of someone else. Again, that's describing a near perfect world.

The best way to combat "the dark" is to "bring it to light". In other words draw attention to the actions of someone who is attempting to inflict harm.

If you or someone you know walks home by themselves, or uses public transportation by themselves they obtain protection.  "Well I gave Jenny a cell phone to use if she is in trouble, isn't that enough?" The first item a predator takes from it's prey is the ability to communicate. (A cell phone). To silence their victim(s), the predator may physically place their hands over the mouth of their victims. This is where personal security alarms come into the equation.

Let's Take A Look At Science For A Moment

The loudest recorded scream has reached 126.2 decibels according to a scientific analysis report formulated by the Audio Forensics Center of San Francisco, California (2008). According to this report spearheaded by researcher DURAND R. BEGAULT, the study was done without distortion or outside noise interruptions such as traffic noise or other forms of sound frequency interference. In other words the study was done in fully insulated acoustics.

The full report can be obtained here at:

OK, What Does This Mean?

If a predator takes away the first (basic instinctual) means of reacting to distress, what other forms of communicating distress do we have? The answer,  Personal Attack Alarms or what we call in the security industry (PALS).

Remember, the loudest recorded audio scream is 126.2 decibels. A Personal Attack Alarm marketed and distributed by GLP Security Solutions such as the SWPDAL has a decibel level of 130.  Most of the PALS we market and distribute are a 120-130 decibels. Again the basic form of communication when reacting to distress is a scream or yell, most humans are incapable of communicating more than 80-90 decibels. It would make sense to obtain a Personal Security Alarm device.

Fine, I Purchased A PAL From GLP Security, Now What?

Now you fight back. How do you fight back?  First of all you stay alert and practice and preach vigilance. Vigilance to your family, friends, and co-workers. You live smart, you play smart, you stay alert in all situations and you stress to others not to put themselves in situations that can cause their lives and or lifestyles to ever be in jeopardy. An effective personal security alarm in conjunction with specific self defense techniques will raise your chances to survive and thrive in an attack situation tremendously.

If it comes down to it, and our hopes and prayers it does not. You fight back, and you fight like hell. While you fight you keep in mind that you have people who love you.  Loved ones who want to see you again. So for their sake and yours, you fight.

What Are My Choices Of (PALS)?

Well please keep in mind you can always visit our website: and go to our Products Catalog and choose the (PAL), or any other security device to fit your needs. But instead of bombarding you with more information we will provide you with links to our literature that you can print. GLP Security Solutions would appreciate it very much if you distribute our literature to you friends, family, and co-workers so that they may have access to our various products and services. Here they are:

In closing we would like to say that we hope you never need us, our products, services, or advice, but unfortunately we do not live in a perfect society.  With that in mind, please depend on us for your personal security needs. We look forward to hearing from you if ever you have questions or concerns. Hang in there, and may God bless you, and protect you in every step you take.

GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323

Phone: 480-268-5602


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