Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why GLP Does Not Actively Market Pepper Sprays and Similar Products.

 It's a valid question. Most of our customers as well as our competitors are aware that we have access to the most effective pepper sprays available on the market today, and it's a fact that we are in business to make a profit as well as to, "Make A Difference".  But sometimes making a difference means not making a profit. And in this case we have chosen to forgo the dollar signs for one reason, and here it is.

Pepper spray in many U.S. states is considered a weapon, therefore like it should be in the case of operating all weaponry the user should have some sort of weapons training. In the case of using pepper spray and using it effectively GLP Security Solutions feels strongly that one should have adequate self defense training.

One must keep in mind the objectives, the reasons for using pepper spray in the first place, "To temporarily debilitate an attacker for the purpose of escaping their intentions". Think about that for a moment. The reason one brandishes a weapon like pepper spray should be to use it, point blank. If someone who is the subject of an attack takes out pepper spray and then issues a warning like, "stand back or I'll use this" is unfortunately waiting for their attacker to disarm them and in some cases use the pepper spray on them.  This is why we emphasize that one receives good self defense training before acquiring pepper spray.

Here think about this. Let's look at a few scenarios real quick and then we'll close. Say for example you administered a hard blow to the chin / throat region of an attacker while simultaneously delivering a blow to the groin area, (as illustrated below), 

Would this not be an effective prelude to deploying pepper spray?  But you would not know how to effectively use this maneuver if you were not familiar with the basic techniques of self defense. There are many self defense programs offered in your area, if you have difficulty finding one, we will assist you,  just contact us via our website and we'll point you in the right direction. And then after you learn the basics of defending yourself and you personally feel you are ready to obtain and possibly use the best pepper sprays on the market today:

"Come and find GLP and we will take care of the rest"  

GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360

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