I'm sorry to take time out of your productive day, or relaxing evening, but something has to be said. Is it just me, or do you also feel like you are on an island and you're tired of sending up smoke signals, drawing messages in the sand, or screaming from a hilltop to get adequate customer service anymore?
Never mind if you live in the U.S., and your call to "tech support" is transferred across the ocean only to be answered by a lady who say's her name is Sally, but her real name is Riva. I don't care about that. I would rather stay on the phone with Riva, I mean Sally, than sit in an office or store waiting to be seen by someone who does not want to be at work today. Well I hope you are sitting down, because I have some bad news for you, and it may shock you, and here it is:
Customer Service No Longer Exist.
There I said it. Don't get upset by this shocking news. It's something we have to accept and there is not much we can do about it as consumers except to "Demand Better Treatment". When you hear an employee of an organization say, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do", your reply should be, "yes but there is something that I can do". And that is to (demand better treatment). Now I know what you are thinking. How can I demand better treatment if I cannot even speak with someone? How do I even get someone to return my phone calls, emails, or social media postings.
Here Is My Answer (And Please Don't Take It Out Of Context)
You must have the same resolve, the same drive and the same conviction as those of the Civil Rights Movement, The Suffrage Movement, or protesters on college campuses in the U.S. throughout the 1960's and 70's and I'll tell you why.
Our economy, our very livelihood depends on commerce, on business, on the trading of goods and services. It's our very existence. We have the rights as consumers and as human beings to deserve more than being treated like we do not exist. The effectiveness of the products and services we purchase are important to ensure that the economy, (our lives) continue to function. So therefore it is as important to receive adequate service as it is basic human rights. In the U.S., if we are dissatisfied with our personal treatment we can contact elected officials, to be our voices for us. Guess what? The same goes for your treatment by an organization or company. The people sitting on boards, and who are paid for their directorships at large corporations are elected officials also. And you can contact them and demand change.
In Closing
I am a capitalist, an entrepreneur, and an inventor, but above all I am a human, a consumer, a husband and a father. In my opinion that's a lot of responsibility, and if someone is not willing to respect that and decides that sitting behind their desk and watching the countdown to happy hour is more important, then they should be prepared for the consequences, because I may not leave there with satisfaction but I am leaving with a name, a management contact, and justice.
By Pat Massengale
CEO of GLP Security Solutions, LLC
Email: GLPSecurity@live.com