Monday, October 20, 2014

Sorry, No Victims Here (A GLP Security Solutions Report)

Recently I read an article about a young man in England who was killed delivering pizzas. Some may say, "well that happens all the time, it's the dangers of the profession".  My response to that, not only is that ridiculous, but it's also a cop-out. A defeated attitude that as a society we just cannot afford to have. Suddenly this young man started capturing my attention even more, and I started reading everything I could find on what happen to him.  As you know, the problem with doing research in a situation like this is you start to find out more and more, and you start relating the image, and the person, with certain realities you may not have wanted to discover.

Realities such as, this young man had a very bright future ahead of him, he had tons of friends, he was embarking on a new career after having just received his college degree. He was a hard worker devoting his salary to his education, and the one thing I did not want to know, the one thing that convinced me to attempt to speak or write on his behalf was this, (he had parents).

His name was Thavisha Peiris. Thavisha was from Sri Lanka, but finished his studies in England. The story of this young man captivated our attention so intensely that we created a report entitled (Sorry, No Victims Here). The report is compiled of personal security methods, and necessary precautions that we hope will prevent needless, senseless violence such as the event that resulted in the death of a promising young man in the future. We encourage you to read it, print it, forward it, and apply it's principles.

Also we have set up a (Crowd Funding Charitable Opportunity) that all of the proceeds will be forwarded to the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington, DC in the name of Thavisha Peiris.  We hope you enjoy our report, and if there are any questions please feel free to contact us.

Many Regards,

Patrick Massengale

GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360
United States of America

(Crowd Funding Charitable Opportunity)

(Our Special Report) "Sorry, No Victims Here"

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I Took A Look In The Mirror: Service Does Exist.

Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., wrote a very popular business book that was published in 1982 called In Search Of Excellence that I still own to this day. Once in awhile I'll pull it, and other books out just to re-visit some key points, just to keep the service end of our business fresh.

It's easy to get discouraged about the lack of customer service we experience from time to time. So that's why I try to go into my collection of business books and read about how service was provided, "Back In The Day".  I'll sigh, get a little emotional just short of singing the classic Barbara Streisand song, "The Way We Were". Now, I have talked to various people and some have told me, "Pat, business is not conducted that way any more, just get over it". I have thought to myself, "maybe they're right, maybe human communication, interaction, and true customer care is gone forever. Maybe the spirit of all of those customer accommodations and awards I had received as a young man are gone like the VCR and the Mullet haircut".

Alan And Marion G. (Queensland, Australia)

Just when I started to get discouraged about the lost art of service and admit that we are placing too much of an emphasis and too many resources toward the quality of service for our customers. Just before throwing in the towel, I get an email from an elderly couple in Australia along with kind words and a sincere thank you telling me that our service, and our willingness to assist them was much appreciated.  They even sent a gift to my ten year old daughter who's fascinated with geography.

Boy was I ever wrong to doubt the "Power of Service and Care". I also figured out I wasn't crazy after all, and that Tom Peters was right when he said:

"The Simple Act Of Paying Positive Attention To People Has A Great Deal To Do With Productivity".

Tom Peters

GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What Ever Happen To Customer Service?

I'm sorry to take time out of your productive day, or relaxing evening, but something has to be said. Is it just me, or do you also feel like you are on an island and you're tired of sending up smoke signals, drawing messages in the sand, or screaming from a hilltop to get adequate customer service anymore?

Never mind if you live in the U.S., and your call to "tech support" is transferred across the ocean only to be answered by a lady who say's her name is Sally, but her real name is Riva. I don't care about that. I would rather stay on the phone with Riva, I mean Sally, than sit in an office or store waiting to be seen by someone who does not want to be at work today. Well I hope you are sitting down, because I have some bad news for you, and it may shock you, and here it is:

Customer Service No Longer Exist.

There I said it. Don't get upset by this shocking news. It's something we have to accept and there is not much we can do about it as consumers except to "Demand Better Treatment". When you hear an employee of an organization say, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do", your reply should be, "yes but there is something that I can do". And that is to (demand better treatment).  Now I know what you are thinking. How can I demand better treatment if I cannot even speak with someone? How do I even get someone to return my phone calls, emails, or social media postings.

Here Is My Answer (And Please Don't Take It Out Of Context)

You must have the same resolve, the same drive and the same conviction as those of the Civil Rights Movement, The Suffrage Movement, or protesters on college campuses in the U.S. throughout the 1960's and 70's and I'll tell you why.

Our economy, our very livelihood depends on commerce, on business, on the trading of goods and services. It's our very existence. We have the rights as consumers and as human beings to deserve more than being treated like we do not exist. The effectiveness of the products and services we purchase are important to ensure that the economy, (our lives) continue to function. So therefore it is as important to receive adequate service as it is basic human rights. In the U.S., if we are dissatisfied with our personal treatment we can contact elected officials, to be our voices for us. Guess what?  The same goes for your treatment by an organization or company. The people sitting on boards, and who are paid for their directorships at large corporations are elected officials also.  And you can contact them and demand change.

In Closing

I am a capitalist, an entrepreneur, and an inventor, but above all I am a human, a consumer, a husband and a father. In my opinion that's a lot of responsibility, and if someone is not willing to respect that and decides that sitting behind their desk and watching the countdown to happy hour is more important, then they should be prepared for the consequences, because I may not leave there with satisfaction but I am leaving with a name, a management contact, and justice.

By Pat Massengale
CEO of GLP Security Solutions, LLC