It's time to go on the offensive. Time to strike the first blow if needed. No I'm not talking about violence, I'm talking about sending a message. A strong decisive message that resonates in the minds of anyone and anything that thinks they can harm us. Well Patrick, what the heck are you talking about now? I'm talking about good ole fashioned FEAR. That voice we allow inside of us to tell us not to take chances and do everything the "safe way" so we don't get hurt.
The FEAR Voice: Don't go for that promotion, if you don't get it, co-workers and colleagues will say, "I knew she wasn't going to get it". He's going to ask her out? "She's way out of his league". The one I've heard a thousand times. "Why start a business now? It's just a waste of time and energy".
I've seen people successfully face fear and literally (Kicked Fears Ass). I know people who have undergone chemotherapy and destroyed cancer. I've seen people who were called crazy for going back to school to become doctors after being told they were too old. People go into situations everyday that may impact their lives negatively or positively. I guess we will never know the outcome until we face and destroy fear.
I remember when my beautiful daughter was just a few months from being born, the doctors wanted to do that test where they draw the fluids from the mother to see what level (if any) of birth defects there may be in the baby. My wife asked my opinion. I told her, "what difference would it make, we're all in". No fear, whatever comes we'll (Face Every Adversity without Retreat).
Much Love,
Patrick Massengale
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360 (U.S.A.)
GLP Has One Objective: To Make A Difference.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
RESPOND: To Our Phone Calls, Letters And Emails!
GLP Security Solutions has had it up to here! Many times we read about problems that we know we could help prevent with our products and services, and we proceed to reach out to those clearly in need. Many charitable and volunteer organizations can benefit from our 20 years of hands on experience. With this in mind we have reached out to various groups world wide, and we hear nothing. Not even a reply of rejection. We'll take that, tell us no. Recently we read an article about sexual assaults near a college campus in India. We made several attempts to contact the school and offer free personal alarms. Nothing. A well known women's university in N.Y., we attempted to contact the head of security directly, she will not return our calls or emails. Even an organization that is as important as "Doctors Without Borders" will not return our letters, calls or emails. We are trying to give something away free, something that we believe will help protect volunteers, college students, abused women and the less fortunate, and we are having difficulty giving it away.
Our inventory is our company's life's blood, a vital organ to the survival of a business that we created to make a difference in the world today. This is not surplus inventory we are trying to unload, we need every device we have to stay in business. But we also have hearts, and we care about the human condition, so we give.
We have calls, emails, and inquiries into the United Nations to help prevent attacks on women. We're growing beards waiting for responses. Question for you. Are these organizations so busy making an impact on improving conditions in the world for women that they cannot accept our gifts? Or are they ignoring the fact that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and other international terrorist organizations violating women actually exist?
One of the major problems for mission organizations around the globe is keeping their Medical / Food supplies safe from gangs and looters. GLP Security devices such as the MA-795I and the GLP 671 can effectively protect both the interiors and exteriors of their storage supply facilities in the field. Or a simple product such as the GLP-SWPDAL personal alarm can help volunteers remain both safe and productive.
Presently we are reaching out to an organization who appears to be making a great impact in women's rights around the world, that group is To use a football reference, GLP has kicked the ball to their side of the field. Whether or not they elect to return the kick-off is up to them. Or will they head to their locker room and hang their heads like the others?
If we had known about U.S. missionary Kayla Mueller and her personal crusades, we would have sent her and her organization a box load of personal alarms. And now it's too late. Even though we are a business, we have a right to feel good about our philanthropy also. All we are asking for is a chance.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona (U.S.A.) E-Mail:
Our inventory is our company's life's blood, a vital organ to the survival of a business that we created to make a difference in the world today. This is not surplus inventory we are trying to unload, we need every device we have to stay in business. But we also have hearts, and we care about the human condition, so we give.
We have calls, emails, and inquiries into the United Nations to help prevent attacks on women. We're growing beards waiting for responses. Question for you. Are these organizations so busy making an impact on improving conditions in the world for women that they cannot accept our gifts? Or are they ignoring the fact that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and other international terrorist organizations violating women actually exist?
One of the major problems for mission organizations around the globe is keeping their Medical / Food supplies safe from gangs and looters. GLP Security devices such as the MA-795I and the GLP 671 can effectively protect both the interiors and exteriors of their storage supply facilities in the field. Or a simple product such as the GLP-SWPDAL personal alarm can help volunteers remain both safe and productive.
Presently we are reaching out to an organization who appears to be making a great impact in women's rights around the world, that group is To use a football reference, GLP has kicked the ball to their side of the field. Whether or not they elect to return the kick-off is up to them. Or will they head to their locker room and hang their heads like the others?
If we had known about U.S. missionary Kayla Mueller and her personal crusades, we would have sent her and her organization a box load of personal alarms. And now it's too late. Even though we are a business, we have a right to feel good about our philanthropy also. All we are asking for is a chance.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona (U.S.A.) E-Mail:
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sorry, No Victims Here (A GLP Security Solutions Report)
Realities such as, this young man had a very bright future ahead of him, he had tons of friends, he was embarking on a new career after having just received his college degree. He was a hard worker devoting his salary to his education, and the one thing I did not want to know, the one thing that convinced me to attempt to speak or write on his behalf was this, (he had parents).

His name was Thavisha Peiris. Thavisha was from Sri Lanka, but finished his studies in England. The story of this young man captivated our attention so intensely that we created a report entitled (Sorry, No Victims Here). The report is compiled of personal security methods, and necessary precautions that we hope will prevent needless, senseless violence such as the event that resulted in the death of a promising young man in the future. We encourage you to read it, print it, forward it, and apply it's principles.
Also we have set up a (Crowd Funding Charitable Opportunity) that all of the proceeds will be forwarded to the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington, DC in the name of Thavisha Peiris. We hope you enjoy our report, and if there are any questions please feel free to contact us.
Many Regards,
Patrick Massengale
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360
United States of America
(Crowd Funding Charitable Opportunity)
(Our Special Report) "Sorry, No Victims Here"
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
I Took A Look In The Mirror: Service Does Exist.
Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., wrote a very popular business book that was published in 1982 called In Search Of Excellence that I still own to this day. Once in awhile I'll pull it, and other books out just to re-visit some key points, just to keep the service end of our business fresh.
It's easy to get discouraged about the lack of customer service we experience from time to time. So that's why I try to go into my collection of business books and read about how service was provided, "Back In The Day". I'll sigh, get a little emotional just short of singing the classic Barbara Streisand song, "The Way We Were". Now, I have talked to various people and some have told me, "Pat, business is not conducted that way any more, just get over it". I have thought to myself, "maybe they're right, maybe human communication, interaction, and true customer care is gone forever. Maybe the spirit of all of those customer accommodations and awards I had received as a young man are gone like the VCR and the Mullet haircut".
Just when I started to get discouraged about the lost art of service and admit that we are placing too much of an emphasis and too many resources toward the quality of service for our customers. Just before throwing in the towel, I get an email from an elderly couple in Australia along with kind words and a sincere thank you telling me that our service, and our willingness to assist them was much appreciated. They even sent a gift to my ten year old daughter who's fascinated with geography.
Boy was I ever wrong to doubt the "Power of Service and Care". I also figured out I wasn't crazy after all, and that Tom Peters was right when he said:
"The Simple Act Of Paying Positive Attention To People Has A Great Deal To Do With Productivity".
Tom Peters
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)
It's easy to get discouraged about the lack of customer service we experience from time to time. So that's why I try to go into my collection of business books and read about how service was provided, "Back In The Day". I'll sigh, get a little emotional just short of singing the classic Barbara Streisand song, "The Way We Were". Now, I have talked to various people and some have told me, "Pat, business is not conducted that way any more, just get over it". I have thought to myself, "maybe they're right, maybe human communication, interaction, and true customer care is gone forever. Maybe the spirit of all of those customer accommodations and awards I had received as a young man are gone like the VCR and the Mullet haircut".
Alan And Marion G. (Queensland, Australia)
Boy was I ever wrong to doubt the "Power of Service and Care". I also figured out I wasn't crazy after all, and that Tom Peters was right when he said:
"The Simple Act Of Paying Positive Attention To People Has A Great Deal To Do With Productivity".
Tom Peters
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
What Ever Happen To Customer Service?
I'm sorry to take time out of your productive day, or relaxing evening, but something has to be said. Is it just me, or do you also feel like you are on an island and you're tired of sending up smoke signals, drawing messages in the sand, or screaming from a hilltop to get adequate customer service anymore?
Never mind if you live in the U.S., and your call to "tech support" is transferred across the ocean only to be answered by a lady who say's her name is Sally, but her real name is Riva. I don't care about that. I would rather stay on the phone with Riva, I mean Sally, than sit in an office or store waiting to be seen by someone who does not want to be at work today. Well I hope you are sitting down, because I have some bad news for you, and it may shock you, and here it is:
Customer Service No Longer Exist.
There I said it. Don't get upset by this shocking news. It's something we have to accept and there is not much we can do about it as consumers except to "Demand Better Treatment". When you hear an employee of an organization say, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do", your reply should be, "yes but there is something that I can do". And that is to (demand better treatment). Now I know what you are thinking. How can I demand better treatment if I cannot even speak with someone? How do I even get someone to return my phone calls, emails, or social media postings.
Here Is My Answer (And Please Don't Take It Out Of Context)
You must have the same resolve, the same drive and the same conviction as those of the Civil Rights Movement, The Suffrage Movement, or protesters on college campuses in the U.S. throughout the 1960's and 70's and I'll tell you why.
Our economy, our very livelihood depends on commerce, on business, on the trading of goods and services. It's our very existence. We have the rights as consumers and as human beings to deserve more than being treated like we do not exist. The effectiveness of the products and services we purchase are important to ensure that the economy, (our lives) continue to function. So therefore it is as important to receive adequate service as it is basic human rights. In the U.S., if we are dissatisfied with our personal treatment we can contact elected officials, to be our voices for us. Guess what? The same goes for your treatment by an organization or company. The people sitting on boards, and who are paid for their directorships at large corporations are elected officials also. And you can contact them and demand change.
In Closing
I am a capitalist, an entrepreneur, and an inventor, but above all I am a human, a consumer, a husband and a father. In my opinion that's a lot of responsibility, and if someone is not willing to respect that and decides that sitting behind their desk and watching the countdown to happy hour is more important, then they should be prepared for the consequences, because I may not leave there with satisfaction but I am leaving with a name, a management contact, and justice.
By Pat Massengale
CEO of GLP Security Solutions, LLC
Never mind if you live in the U.S., and your call to "tech support" is transferred across the ocean only to be answered by a lady who say's her name is Sally, but her real name is Riva. I don't care about that. I would rather stay on the phone with Riva, I mean Sally, than sit in an office or store waiting to be seen by someone who does not want to be at work today. Well I hope you are sitting down, because I have some bad news for you, and it may shock you, and here it is:
Customer Service No Longer Exist.
There I said it. Don't get upset by this shocking news. It's something we have to accept and there is not much we can do about it as consumers except to "Demand Better Treatment". When you hear an employee of an organization say, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do", your reply should be, "yes but there is something that I can do". And that is to (demand better treatment). Now I know what you are thinking. How can I demand better treatment if I cannot even speak with someone? How do I even get someone to return my phone calls, emails, or social media postings.
Here Is My Answer (And Please Don't Take It Out Of Context)
You must have the same resolve, the same drive and the same conviction as those of the Civil Rights Movement, The Suffrage Movement, or protesters on college campuses in the U.S. throughout the 1960's and 70's and I'll tell you why.
Our economy, our very livelihood depends on commerce, on business, on the trading of goods and services. It's our very existence. We have the rights as consumers and as human beings to deserve more than being treated like we do not exist. The effectiveness of the products and services we purchase are important to ensure that the economy, (our lives) continue to function. So therefore it is as important to receive adequate service as it is basic human rights. In the U.S., if we are dissatisfied with our personal treatment we can contact elected officials, to be our voices for us. Guess what? The same goes for your treatment by an organization or company. The people sitting on boards, and who are paid for their directorships at large corporations are elected officials also. And you can contact them and demand change.
In Closing
I am a capitalist, an entrepreneur, and an inventor, but above all I am a human, a consumer, a husband and a father. In my opinion that's a lot of responsibility, and if someone is not willing to respect that and decides that sitting behind their desk and watching the countdown to happy hour is more important, then they should be prepared for the consequences, because I may not leave there with satisfaction but I am leaving with a name, a management contact, and justice.
By Pat Massengale
CEO of GLP Security Solutions, LLC
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What We Could Have Done, If Only.....

Watching sporting events on television or in an arena, watching game or quiz shows, or at the cinema. Do you ever feel like you can or at least you should be able to talk to or advise the participants? Do you yell at the quarterback through the television and say things like, "what are you doing? Throw the ball." Watching a movie you may say, "don't open that door". Here at GLP Security Solutions we experience the same emotions when we watch natural disasters unfold on television or the Internet. The major difference of course is that sporting events and game shows are entertainment. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and tornadoes are as real as life can get.
We watched on television with a high level of frustration the rescue efforts of emergency technicians and volunteers attempting to find people trapped beneath a collapsed building demolished by an earthquake. For example the United Nations Stabilization Mission headquarters that was destroyed by the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.
As CEO of GLP Security Solutions I felt it was my responsibility to offer assistance in any way could. So I contacted several organizations including the U.N., and Doctors Without Borders. "Nothing". Well you might say, what could you have done? You can't go to these areas and pull rubble and debris off of people. No I cannot do that at this time. But I can donate GLP Security products such as a portable alarm system like the (SWPDAL) that volunteers and personnel can take with them at all times which could have been easily deployed in an emergency situation that would have alerted rescue workers as to where they were located. I could have offered free of charge, a product such as the (SWIA), a pocket sized motion sensor alarm that could alert emergency workers to sudden movements. You get what I'm trying to say here?
Either One Or Both Would Be Ideal In Case of An Emergency Situation.
Listen, maybe it's the dreamer in me that has me believing that there is a solution to every problem. Maybe I'm wasting valuable time trying to influence others that "Making A Difference" is very possible. Maybe I should do what the naysayers are telling me and give up.
"Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed by the fires of enthusiasm."
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
I rest my case. Thank you for visiting with us. Please contact me at any time.
Patrick Massengale (CEO)
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Why GLP Does Not Actively Market Pepper Sprays and Similar Products.
It's a valid question. Most of our customers as well as our competitors are aware that we have access to the most effective pepper sprays available on the market today, and it's a fact that we are in business to make a profit as well as to, "Make A Difference". But sometimes making a difference means not making a profit. And in this case we have chosen to forgo the dollar signs for one reason, and here it is.
Pepper spray in many U.S. states is considered a weapon, therefore like it should be in the case of operating all weaponry the user should have some sort of weapons training. In the case of using pepper spray and using it effectively GLP Security Solutions feels strongly that one should have adequate self defense training.
One must keep in mind the objectives, the reasons for using pepper spray in the first place, "To temporarily debilitate an attacker for the purpose of escaping their intentions". Think about that for a moment. The reason one brandishes a weapon like pepper spray should be to use it, point blank. If someone who is the subject of an attack takes out pepper spray and then issues a warning like, "stand back or I'll use this" is unfortunately waiting for their attacker to disarm them and in some cases use the pepper spray on them. This is why we emphasize that one receives good self defense training before acquiring pepper spray.
Here think about this. Let's look at a few scenarios real quick and then we'll close. Say for example you administered a hard blow to the chin / throat region of an attacker while simultaneously delivering a blow to the groin area, (as illustrated below),
Would this not be an effective prelude to deploying pepper spray? But you would not know how to effectively use this maneuver if you were not familiar with the basic techniques of self defense. There are many self defense programs offered in your area, if you have difficulty finding one, we will assist you, just contact us via our website and we'll point you in the right direction. And then after you learn the basics of defending yourself and you personally feel you are ready to obtain and possibly use the best pepper sprays on the market today:
Pepper spray in many U.S. states is considered a weapon, therefore like it should be in the case of operating all weaponry the user should have some sort of weapons training. In the case of using pepper spray and using it effectively GLP Security Solutions feels strongly that one should have adequate self defense training.
One must keep in mind the objectives, the reasons for using pepper spray in the first place, "To temporarily debilitate an attacker for the purpose of escaping their intentions". Think about that for a moment. The reason one brandishes a weapon like pepper spray should be to use it, point blank. If someone who is the subject of an attack takes out pepper spray and then issues a warning like, "stand back or I'll use this" is unfortunately waiting for their attacker to disarm them and in some cases use the pepper spray on them. This is why we emphasize that one receives good self defense training before acquiring pepper spray.
Here think about this. Let's look at a few scenarios real quick and then we'll close. Say for example you administered a hard blow to the chin / throat region of an attacker while simultaneously delivering a blow to the groin area, (as illustrated below),
Would this not be an effective prelude to deploying pepper spray? But you would not know how to effectively use this maneuver if you were not familiar with the basic techniques of self defense. There are many self defense programs offered in your area, if you have difficulty finding one, we will assist you, just contact us via our website and we'll point you in the right direction. And then after you learn the basics of defending yourself and you personally feel you are ready to obtain and possibly use the best pepper sprays on the market today:
"Come and find GLP and we will take care of the rest"
GLP Security Solutions, LLC.
Post Office Box 1051
Avondale, Arizona 85323-0360
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